
Showing posts from November, 2020

Master's Preview and Predictions

 No matter the year, no matter the time, Master's week will always feel like Master's week. Because - IT'S THE MASTER'S!! A tradition like no other!  Of course, because it is 2020 after all, it will be a little different. Not hearing the roars after a great shot, nor the sighs after a missed kick in, let alone the dead silence when the winner walks up the 72nd hole. However, once you get past all that, it's still the picturesque course it's always been, it's still Amen Corner and it's still seeing the best players work their way through Augusta bringing back all the great memories it always does.  In what has been a devastating year worldwide for obvious reasons, the sport of golf has flourished. Mainly because there has been literally nothing else to do. Getting a tee time in the year 2020 is like trying to book an appointment with your dermatologist. Tons of People worldwide looking for a way to get out of the house have settled on 18 holes. As a resul